The Digital "Belt and Road" Initiative Program

The Digital "Belt and Road" initiative's public infrastructure is a strategic extension of the national "Belt and Road" initiative, resonating with China's strategy to bolster its trade strength and the global outreach of the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System. It aims to furnish the essential digital public infrastructure required for the digital transformation of businesses and the growth of the digital economy across the "Belt and Road" nations. This includes Beidou Navigation and satellite positioning, 5G networks, operating systems, databases, the Internet of Things,  industrial Internet, smart manufacturing, and blockchain technology.

Key Construction Components:

(1) Public Infrastructure for the Digital "Belt and Road";

(2) Public Infrastructure for Digital Trade;

(3) Public Infrastructure for Digital Finance.

Shanghai OpenSource Digital "Belt and Road" Collaborative Innovation Center

In August 2021, the Shanghai OpenSource Digital "Belt and Road" Collaborative Innovation Center was formally recognized with the credentials to proceed with its development initiatives. During the initial phase, the SHOPEN led the strategic planning and future-oriented development, organizing and engaging in multiple symposiums on the Digital "Belt and Road". This effort culminated in a consensus with local government and various enterprises, facilitating the application process for the collaborative innovation center.

Center's Positioning

The center is dedicated to executing the national innovation-driven development strategy, aligning closely with the development of the Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Center, addressing critical national needs, and fostering a collaborative environment with complementary disciplines, fluid personnel movement, shared resources, and communal platform access.

Research Focus

The center is committed to leveraging Chinese technological expertise to empower "Belt and Road" nation using open-source methodologies. It will focus on mapping out development pathways, technical strategies, governance rules, standards, platforms, ecosystems, and the cultivation of talent.

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Digital Public Goods Insight Report


        农业经济时代,古代中国通过构建道路等公共基础设施而极度辉煌。公元前 212 年至公元前 210 年,秦始皇一统华夏后,修建了“高速”公路——秦直道。“秦直道”南起陕西林光宫,北至包头九原郡,横穿 14 县,全长 700 多公里。除了军事用途外,西域商人行经草原,便可以沿着“秦直道”直入关中,中国的丝绸茶叶也因“秦直道”得以畅销世界。“秦直道”开了欲强国、先治路的治国理念,是农业经济时代的公共基础设施。正是靠着这种强大的公路网,中国才成为当时世界的中心。



